Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Spirit world painting 3

For my third psychedelic spirit world painting I have decided to make this onto a darker shade of wood so using a dye, I have been able to get a nice dark tone. I also think this brings out the grain more which will mean that some natural looking textures will be shown which is exactly why I have chosen to paint it onto the wood. I also think the darker wood may make the colour scheme more vibrant. I am aiming to make much more of my own practice to take this natural aesthetic.
Drawing this one out proved to be much more difficult than the first because I could hardly see the pencil lines at all so I needed to make sure that I was focused at all times to get a better quality of detail.

I actually quite like this style where there is no black lines added to separate the colour. Maybe it doesnt work throughout the whole painting as some areas are not very neat at this stage but this has given me more incentive to reduce the amount of black that I apply at the end and just have some colour that isn't separated by black running throughout the painting, This may give a softer and less graphic aesthetic.
I have taken this photo of the painting in its original environment, out in nature. I think the sunlight really brings out the vibrancy of the image.
This is my favourite of the three spirit world paintings I have done. This is because I think this one has the nicest composition, the most harmonious colour palette with the best depiction of psychedelic nature and I also think the fact that this has been painted onto the dark wood really gives it a stronger aesthetic. The dark wood pops the colours making them seem more vibrant, but the wood also gives it a more earthy and natural vibe which I think is a very pleasing combination. This could be my new favourite style I have created for my psychedelic artwork as it has much more elements within it and is also done is a more subtle way. I also am aiming in my own personal practice is to continue developing this style and maybe paint a mural sized one day that has even more layers and depth to it.

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