Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Project Rationale

 What is my theme?
 The theme of this project is pretty much the title of my essay and if natural entheogen's can enhance and many of the other aspects that are included when in the visual world of psychedelia.

How am I exploring this visually?
I am exploring this visually by getting very experimental with my media approaches. I will be using many different hand made textsures and colour combinations as well as painted block colours also with the use of nature and space, all surrounding the theme of psychedelia with a direct link to entheogen's.

Why am i doing it this way?
I am doing it this way so I can try and create my own unique aesthetic that does not just fit into the cliche category within psychedelic, I want to take a different approach to this and try something new and see if I get any possible elements that I can continue exploring in my own practice as well as future projects.

Key theorists
-Alex Grey
-Terrence McKenna
-Asakura kouhei
-Alan Watts

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