Thursday, 18 January 2018

Artist research - Luke Brown

Luke browns psychedelic artwork is truly visionary. His intricate and complex paintings communicate messages of deep meaning. Aesthetically, Luke Browns work is appealing through his uses of bright and vibrant colours and symmetry, geometry and organic lines and shapes, he creates a powerful image. I really like his definitive visual signature. I am however only trying to focus on the conceptual elements of his work instead of the aesthetics. 
Luke brown is also a well known advocator of the psychedelic experience and claims to have drawn much of his inspiration through experimenting with different states of consciousness. My goal, is to try and have a deeper sense of meaning within my artwork so understanding Luke Brown's art and his concepts will help me to filter similar themes into my own practice.

Meditation, yoga, psychedelia and spiritual awareness are all core themes running through Browns artwork. This is what I am wanting to communicate with my own imagery so studying Luke Brown and various other artists will help to inform my creative development.
Having stronger concepts and meaning within my work will allow a more informed level of communication that can be spoken through image. 

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