James Jean is one of my favourite artists. His work isn't known for being particularly psychedelic but there are defiantly some links, especially with specific pieces that involve complex compositions and vibrant colours that would suggest a psychedelic aesthetic similar to Moebius.
With James Jean I am trying to focus on specific aspects of his work that I can try and bring through into my own practice. The line work. James Jeans use of organic lines is something that I want to start including into my practice. I am aware that this way of creating lines is unique and has been developed and refined over many years of practice, I still want to try and pursue a similar aesthetic but with more elements of psychedelia.
Another thing that has inspired from observing James Jean is his use of character. In many of his pieces, he includes some sort of mystical character that seems to bring the image to life. The use of character is an aspect that makes an image more relatable so this will be a useful tool for me to try and explore.
His work is also driven with an oriental aesthetic which I would also like to try exploring.
The randomness of this image like Moebius is inspiring me to try and apply this to my practice as this will work perfectly with the psychedelic aesthetic.
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